About Rebel
Rebel, an Action-Drama film in the Tamil language, showcases the exceptional directorial skills of Nikesh. The film is produced by K.E. Gnanavelraja under the esteemed Studio Green Banners. The captivating music for this cinematic masterpiece is composed by G.V. Prakash Kumar. G.V. Prakash Kumar and Mamitha Baiju brilliantly portray the lead roles in this eagerly anticipated film, set to grace the theaters in 2024.
“Rebel” is an Action-Drama movie in Tamil language, featuring the talented actors G.V. Prakash Kumar and Mamitha Baiju. The film revolves around a group of students residing in a town, and how their lives are impacted by the political events taking place within their educational institution. The IMDb Page
The movie is scheduled to release in Summer 2024 and will be accessible on the Ott Platform afterward. It is advisable to watch it as soon as possible to avoid losing the chance. Regrettably, I won’t be able to offer any help if someone misses the movie. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Kindly note that this blog is solely dedicated to sharing updates and release dates of movies.
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