Devarattam is a Tamil Action-Drama Film. M. Muthaiah has directed the film. K. E. Gnanavel Raja has produced the film. Gautham Karthik and Manjima Mohan in the lead roles in the film. While Vinodhini Vaidyanathan, Soori, and FEFSI Vijayan play supporting roles. Nivas K. Prasanna has composed the songs of the film. Praveen K. L has done the editing. Sakthi Saravanan has done the cinematography. Devarattam is also set to be dubbed in Hindi as Diler- The Daring 2 by Zee Cinema.
Movie Rating
Devarattam Movie was Average at the box office. It received mixed to negative reviews but became a box-office hit. The IMDb rating of Devarattam is 4.0/10.
Dubbing Updates
Devarattam(Diler-the daring 2)movie all languages satellite rights were sold out to Zee Entertainment India. So Hindi dubbing rights are with the Zee cinema. The dubbing of the movie has been completed and the censor certification is also completed. The film will be premiered on television on 23 Feb 2020 on the Zee Cinema channel and Zee mobile app. For More Updates on Devarattam(Diler-the daring 2) Hindi dubbed keep following our site.
For More Updates on South Indian Hindi dubbed movies keep following our Website.
Brochevarevarura Hindi Dubbed Movie
Movie: | Devarattam as Diler- The Daring 2 |
Language: | Tamil movie dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Gautham Karthik and Manjima Mohan |
Director: | M. Muthaiah |
Music: | Nivas K. Prasanna |
Genre: | Action-Drama Film |