Local Boy Is a Telugu dubbed Martial-Arts Film. Pattas Tamil movie has been dubbed in Telugu has Local boy. R. S. Durai Senthilkumar has Written and directed the film. Sathya Jyothi Films has produced the film. Dhanush, Sneha, Mehreen Pirzada in the lead roles in the film. And Naveen Chandra as the antagonist. The Tamil Version of the film was released on 15 Jan 2020. Pattas movie has been dubbed in Telugu and released in the theater. The Telugu version was released on 28 Feb 2020. Local Boy or Pattas is also set to be dubbed in Hindi.
The dubbing rights of the film were sold to our loving dubbing company Goldmines Telefilms. Now we have great news for south Indian movie lovers. The dubbing of the film is completed 100% and the censor certification is pending. The Hindi dubbed version title is kept as the original one. We will get to see the film very soon. I hope that we get to watch the film in Hindi in the Year 2021.
Ninnu Kori Hindi Dubbed Movie Download
Movie: | Pattas |
Language: | Tamil movie dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Dhanush, Sneha, Mehreen Pirzada |
Director: | R. S. Durai Senthilkumar |
Music: | Vivek-Mervin |
Genre: | Martial-Arts Film |