Ranam is a Malayalam Action-thriller film. Nirmal Sahadev has directed as well as written the film. The film is produced by Anand Payannur and Rani & Lawson Biju under the Yes Cinema Production banner. The Music of the film is composed by Jakes Bejoy. Starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, Rahman, and Isha Talwar in the lead roles. Now the film is all set to be released in Hindi dubbed version.
The dubbing rights of the film Ranam were sold to RDC Media soon after the Malayalam Release. The dubbing of the film is completed 100% and the censor certification is also completed. The Hindi dubbed version title is kept as the original one. RDC Media has given movies Like Guna 369, 100, and more. The television premiere of the film will be on 7 May 2021 at 9 Pm only on the Zee Cinema channel. After the television premiere film will be uploaded to their RDC Media Youtube Channel. For More Updates on The movie, You can follow our site. Follow our telegram channel Movies World. I will provide everything there.
George Reddy Hindi Dubbed Movie Download
Movie | Ranam |
Language | Malayalam Movie Dubbed In Hindi |
Cast: | Prithviraj Sukumaran, Rahman, and Isha Talwar |
Director | Nirmal Sahadev |
Music: | Jakes Bejoy |
Genre | Action-Thriller Film |