Zombie Reddy is a Telugu Action-Drama Film. The film is directed as well as written by Prasanth Varma. Raj Sekhar Varma has produced the film under the Apple Trees Studios banner. The Music of the film is composed by Mark K. Robin. Starring Sajja Teja and Anandhi. Now the film is all set to be released in Hindi dubbed version.
The dubbing rights of the film Zombie Reddy were sold to RKD Studio soon after the Telugu Release. The dubbing of the film is completed 100% and the censor certification is also completed. The Hindi dubbed version title is kept as the original one. We may get to watch the film in hindi by end of August 2021. Wait for the Latest Update about the film. if anyone misses the film. then I can help you all. follow our telegram channel South Movie King I will provide everything there. If you want the movie information then you can join the group our Poke me on WhatsApp. I will try to help you out.
Guna 369 Hindi Dubbed Full Movie Download
Movie | Zombie Reddy |
Language | Telugu Movie Dubbed In Hindi |
Cast: | Sajja Teja and Anandhi |
Director | Prasanth Varma |
Music: | Mark K. Robin |
Genre | Action-Drama Film |