Venky Mama is Telugu Action-Drama Movie. K. S. Ravindra has directed the Film. D. Suresh Babu, T. G. Vishwa Prasad has produced the film under Suresh Productions & People’s Media Factory. Venkatesh, Akkineni Naga Chaitanya, Raashi Khanna, Payal Rajput in the lead roles in the film. The movie was released on 13 December 2019. S. Thaman has composed the music of the film Venky Mama. Music audio rights are with Aditya Music company. the lyrics of the songs are written by Ramajogayya Sastry, Sri Mani, Kasarla Shyam. Venky Mama song was sung by Sri Krishna and Mohanaa Bhogaruju. song Yennellako has sung by Prudhvi Chandra, S. Thaman
The Hindi dubbing rights of Venky Mama were sold out just after the Telugu release to B4U movies. Yes, shocking but true. The Hindi dubbing rights are with B4U movies, and according to the latest updates we are having, the Hindi dubbing of the movie is now 100% completed at Maa Gayatri dubbing studious. Also, the censor certificate of the Hindi version is issued. The Hindi dubbed version is titled the same as the original title (Venky Mama). The Hindi voice-over for Naga Chaitanya and Venkatesh is done by Sanket Mhatre and Ganesh Divekar respectively. The movie will be premiered on 4 April 2021 at 8 pm Only at Zee Cinema and after a few weeks, the movie will be uploaded on the B4U movies YouTube channel, where you can watch or download the full movie in Hindi for free.
Gaddalakonda Ganesh Hindi Dubbed Movie Download
Movie | Venky Mama |
Language | Telugu Movie Dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Venkatesh, Akkineni Naga Chaitanya, Raashi Khanna, Payal Rajput |
Director | K. S. Ravindra |
Music: | S. Thaman |
Genre | Action-Drama Film |