Chanakya is a Telugu Action-Thriller FIlm. Thiru has directed the film. Rama Brahmam Sunkara has produced the film under his banner AK Entertainments. Vishal Chandrasekhar has composed the music score for the film. Gopichand, Mehreen Pirzada, and Zareen Khan in the lead roles in the film, While Jayaprakash, Nassar, Upen Patel, Rajesh Khattar, Sunil, Ali, and Adarsh Balakrishna in the supporting roles. Now Chanakya Movie is going to be dubbed in Hindi.
Now the film is all set to be dubbed in Hindi. The Telugu version was quite Disaster at Box-Office with mixed Reviews from Audience and critics. Now let’s come back to the Hindi dubbed version. As we know that the Hindi audience likes more Action Rather than Romantic Films. When The Hindi Version of the film was released, It was liked by the audience because of the High action scenes and Punch Dialogue. That’s the only Reason Hindi Audience is waiting for the Hindi dubbed version. Now we are here to give you Big Updates about Chanakya Hindi Dubbed version.
Chanakya Hindi Dubbing Rights were sold out even Before the Telugu Release at a good Amount of money. The dubbing rights were sold to WAM India Movies. Now The Hindi dubbing has been completed fully in Vyom Dubbing Studious. According to our source, the censor certification is not yet done. But there is an update that, The Hindi version may be titled with the same original Title. As soon as we would get any further updates it will be updated on this page, so please stay tuned. Firstly the movie will be on premiere on Television. On the same day, the film will on Youtube at WAMIndiamovies and Adwise media Youtube Channels. From there you can watch the full movie online for free or you can also download it with YouTube’s offline download feature.
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Movie: | Chanakya |
Language | Telugu Dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Gopichand, Mehreen Pirzada, and Zareen Khan |
Director | Thiru |
Music: | Vishal Chandrasekhar |
Genre | Action-Thriller FIlm |