The screenplay of an Indian Love Story is a Telugu Drama Film. K.L. Prasad has Directed the film. K. Arunakumarihas produced the film under his Vega Entertainment. K.L. Prasad, Vikram Shiva, and Pragathi Yadhati are in the lead roles in the film. If You are Looking for the Screenplay Of an Indian Love story, Then keep Following our site.
The Screenplay of an Indiann Love story Movie is declared Hit at the box-office. With mixed reviews from critics and audiences. The IMDb rating of Screenplay of an Indiaan Love story is 5.9/10.
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Most Eligible Bachelor Telugu Movie Download
Movie: | The screenplay of an Indian Love Story |
Language: | Telugu Movie |
Cast: | K.L. Prasad, Vikram Shiva, and Pragathi Yadhati |
Director: | K.L. Prasad |
Genre: | Drama Film |