Penguin is an Indian Mystery Thriller film. Eashvar Karthic has directed as well as written the film. Eashvar Karthic has done his directorial debut in this film. Santhosh Narayanan has composed the music of the film. The film was Simultaneously shot in two languages Tamil and Telugu. Keerthy Suresh is in the lead role in the film. The film was originally scheduled for theatrical release, but due to COVID-19, this was dropped in favor of a digital release. Now the movie Penguin is scheduled to be released on 19 June 2020 on Prime Video in both languages, along with a Malayalam-dubbed version.
Penguin is an Upcoming Indian Mystery Thriller film. Starring Keerthy Suresh. The movie release date has changed due to the pandemic situation the movie is set to release in OTT. Now the movie Penguin is scheduled to be released on 19 June 2020 on Prime Video in both languages, along with a Malayalam-dubbed version. It is a spine-chilling tale of a pregnant mother who sets out on a dangerous mission to unravel the mystery and save her loved ones. Dear Friends. Links of the movie are not allowed to be given on the site. I am very much to disappoint you. But I can help you out with the problem. Join our telegram channel Movies World, I will provide everything there. If you want the movie information then you can join the group our Poke me in WhatsApp.I will try to help you out.IMDb Rating of the film is 7.5 /10.
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Movie: | Penguin |
Language: | Tamil & Telugu Movie |
Cast: | Keerthy Suresh |
Director: | Eashvar Karthic |
Music: | Santhosh Narayanan |
Genre: | Mystery-Thriller Film |