Oxygen Is a Telugu Action-Thriller Movie Released on 30 November 2017. The movie was Directed by A.M Ratnam. And Produced by S.Aishwarya. The Film has cast Gopichand, Raashi Khanna And Anu Emmanuel in lead roles. Yuvan Shankar Raja composed the music. Firstly The Hindi dubbing rights were sold to Goldmines telefilms. And they Completed dubbing. Dubbing Voice of Gopichand was done by Amar Babaria. Hindi dubbed version was named as Main hoon Fighter Man.
Due to Some Business issues, the Telugu Producer resold the Copyrights of the film to Crown Movies. Crown Movies had also dubbed the movie with various artists. Hindi trailer was Released on Modern Moviez. Youtube channel. They Titled The movie as Main Hoon Fighter Man.
Waqt Ki Awaz Hindi Dubbed Movie Download
Movie: | Oxygen as Main Hoon Fighter Man |
Language: | Telugu Movie Dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Gopichand, Raashi Khanna |
Director: | A.M Ratnam |
Music: | Yuvan Shankar Raja |
Genre: | Action-Thriller film |