Meeku Maathrame Cheptha is a 2019 Indian Telugu-language comedy-drama film written and directed by Shammeer Sultan, and produced by Vardhan Deverakonda and Vijay Deverakonda under the banner King of the Hill Entertainment. The film features Tharun Bhascker and Abhinav Gomatam in lead roles while Anasuya Bharadwaj, Vani Bhojan, and Avantika Mishra play supporting roles. The film marks the debut of Sultan as director and Deverakonda as producer, who also makes a cameo appearance.
The film is scheduled for theatrical release on November 1, 2019. The Digital Rights of the film is with Disney+Hotstar. This means after the theaters release the movie will be released on Disney+Hotstar Ott Platform. According to our sources, the film is all set to be released in the Hindi dubbed version. if anyone misses the film. then I can help you all. follow our telegram channel Movies World. I will provide everything there. If you want the movie information then you can join the group our Poke me on WhatsApp. I will try to help you out.
The Priest Hindi Dubbed Movie Download
Movie | Meeku Maathrame Cheptha |
Language | Telugu |
Cast: | Tharun Bhascker, Abhinav Gomatam Anasuya Bharadwaj, Vani Bhojan |
Director | Shammeer Sultan |
Music: | Sivakumar |
Genre | Comedy-Drama Film |