Rasatasan is a Tamil psychological thriller film. The film was released on 5 October 2018. Ram Kumar has directed as well as written the film. G. Dilli Babu and R. Sridhar have produced the film under their respective Banner. Ghibran has composed the music of the film. Vishnu Vishal and Amala Paul are in the lead roles in the film, while Saravanan, Kaali Venkat, and Ramdoss play supporting roles. Later Ratsasan was remade in Telugu as Rakshasudu (2019) directed by Ramesh Varma with Bellamkonda Sreenivas and Anupama Parameswaran playing the lead roles. Now the Movie Rasatasan is set to be dubbed in Hindi as Main Hoon Dandadhikari.
Rasatasan is a Tamil psychological thriller film released in 2018 featuring Vishnu Vishal and Amala Paul in lead roles. The film was directed by Ram Kumar and was a huge blockbuster at the box office with extremely positive reviews from critics and audiences. The film was later remade in Telugu as Rakshasudu starring Belamkonda Srinivas in the lead role. Also, the conversation is in full flow for the Hindi remake. The film tells the story of an aspiring film director who becomes a police officer after his father’s death and tracks down a serial killer murdering school girls. The IMDb rating of Ratsasan is 8.7/10.
T-series bought the Hindi dubbing rights of Ratsasan. Censor certification took place about 5 months ago. The Hindi dubbed version was titled ‘Main Hoon Dandadhikari’. Tonight, the Hindi dubbed version of Ratsasan aired on Star Utsav Movies at 9:00 pm on 30 December 2019. There was no awareness among the Hindi audience, and so most of us missed the television premiere. Hopefully, the film will air again on Star Gold as most of the film-watching viewers do not watch Star Utsav Movie. In addition, we can expect a YouTube release of Main Hoon Dandadhikari soon on a digital release on the T-series YouTube channel or Hotstar. Once the film is released online, you can watch the entire film online for free or download it offline on reputable platforms.
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Brochevarevarura Hindi Dubbed Movie
Movie: | Ratsasan |
Language | Tamil Movie Dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Vishnu Vishal and Amala Paul |
Director | Ram Kumar |
Music: | Ghibran |
Genre | Psychological thriller film |