Madha is a Telugu Mystery-Thriller film. Srividya Basawa has directed the film. Prashanth Sagar Atlluri has written the film. Indira Basawa has produced the film. Naresh Kumaran has composed the music score of the film. While the cinematography is done by Abhiraj Nair. Trishna Mukherjee, Rahul Venkat, Anish Kuruvilla are in the lead roles in the film.
Madha movie is declared as hit at the box office till now. With mixed reviews from critics and audiences. MADHA is a female-centered psychological thriller that revolves around a small-time proofreader Nisha. Dear Friends, Since I am not allowed to give links to the movie. I am very much to disappoint you. But I can help you out with the problem. Join our telegram channel I will provide everything there. The Movie is ready in our telegram group in both Telugu and Hindi language. If you want the movie then you can join the group our Poke me in WhatsApp. I will try to help you. While The IMDb rating of Madha is 6.0/10.
Most Eligible Bachelor Telugu Movie Download
Movie: | Madha |
Language: | Telugu Movie |
Cast: | Trishna Mukherjee, Rahul Venkat, Anish Kuruvilla |
Director: | Srividya Basawa |
Music: | Naresh Kumaran |
Genre: | Mystery-Thriller Film |