Kismath is Kannada Black comedy film. Vijay Raghavendra has directed the film. He is an actor he has done his first directorial Project. Apart from direction, Vijay has acted and co-produced along with his wife Spandana under their home banner Spandana Srushti. Sangeetha Bhat, Naveen Krishna, Nanda Gopal, Dileep Raj among others cast in the film. Saikumar makes a guest appearance.
Movie Rating
Kismat movie was declared a hit at the box office. With mixed reviews from critics and audiences. It’s about how time will play in our life. It’s a nice concept. Vijay Raghavendra and Sangeetha that both acted well but. It lacks comedy.
. While The IMDb rating of Kismath is 6.6/10.
Dubbing Updates
The Hindi dubbing rights of Kismath were sold to Cinekon Movies with the same title. The movie is Dubbed named Kismath. The dubbing has been completed many days before. Recently Cinecon Movies Hindi dubbed trailer on youtube. Now there is another Update the movie will be premiered Soon. Firstly the movie will be on premiere on Television on Utv movies, the same day, the film will on Youtube at 11 pm from where you will be able to watch and download it on the respective website.
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Brochevarevarura Hindi Dubbed Movie
Movie: | Kismath |
Language: | Kannada movie dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Vijay, Sangeetha Bhat, Naveen Krishna |
Director: | Gireesaaya |
Music: | Nivas K. Prasanna |
Genre: | Black comedy Film |