Guna 369 is a Telugu Action-Drama Film. Arjun Jandyala has directed the film as well as written the film. Anil Kadiyala and Tirumal Reddy have produced the film under SG Movie Makers. Chaitan Bharadwaj has composed the music score of the film. who earlier gave a successful album to Kartikeya for RX 100 and their successful combination is now repeating with Guna 369. Kartikeya Gummakonda and Anagha LK are in the lead role in the film. The movie is inspired by true incidents and released on 2 August 2019.
The Hindi dubbing rights of the movie Guna 369 were sold to RDC Media. The dubbing rights were sold out Soon After the Telugu Release. And now the latest updates are, The dubbing has been 100% completed. the censor certification of the Hindi version is done and the Hindi version title is kept the same as Guna 369. The movie has been certified with a Length of 145 min in Hindi.
According to some sources, The Movie certification was completed probably in 2019. But the Movie is not telecasted. That can be Because Hindi satellite rights were not sold out. Now there is a Great Update the film is all set to be released soon on Zee Cinema. And after the television premiere, the movie will be uploaded on RDC Media’s official YouTube channel, where you can watch or download the full movie online for free. if anyone misses the film. then I can help you all. follow our telegram channel South Movie King I will provide everything there. If you want the movie information then you can join the group our Poke me on WhatsApp. I will try to help you out.
Movie Plot
Guna, who has a glad existence with family and sweetheart Geetha gets cornered in a homicide case. In what capacity will Guna manage the unforeseen episodes which are occurring in his life? What sort of penances did he need to make to leave the case? To know this, you need to watch the film in the performance centers close to you.
Pogaru Hindi Dubbed Full Movie Download
Movie: | Guna 369 |
Language: | Telugu Movie Dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | KartikeyaAnagha LK |
Director: | Arjun Jandyala |
Music: | Chaitan Bharadwaj |
Genre: | Action-Drama |