Gamanam is a Telugu Anthology Drama Film. Sujana Rao has directed as well as written the film. The film is produced by Ramesh Karutoori, Venki Pushadapu, and Gnana Shekar V.S under the KRIA FILM CORP and KALI Productions banners. The Music of the film is composed by liaiyaraaja. Starring Shriya Saran, Siva Kandukuri and Priyanka Jawalkar along with Suhas, Nithya Menen, Charuhasan, Bithiri Sathi, and Ravi Prakash. The film is now set to be released on 19 March 2021 along with its dubbed versions in Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi with the same title.
The Film will be Released in many Dubbed Versions, Including Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi. The Hindi Dubbed Version is dubbed by the original. The dubbing of the film is completed.
The movie will be released on 19 March 2021. if anyone misses the film. then I can help you all. follow our telegram channel South Movie King I will provide everything there. If you want the movie information then you can join the group our Poke me on WhatsApp. I will try to help you out.
Beshakal Hindi Dubbed Full Movie
Movie: | Gamanam |
Language: | Pan India Movies |
Cast: | Shriya Saran, Siva Kandukuri and Priyanka Jawalkar |
Director: | Sujana Rao |
Music: | liaiyaraaja |
Genre: | Anthology Drama Film |