Uppu Huli Khara is the Kannada Action-Thriller film. Imran Sardhariya has written as well as directed the film. M. Ramesh has produced the film under his banner Tejeshwini Enterprises. Shashi Devraj, Malashri, Sharath, Anushree, B. Dhananjay, Jayashree and Shamanth Shetty in prominent roles In the film. Uppu Huli Khara movie is also set to be dubbed in Hindi as Double Taddkaa by goldmines Telefilm.
Movie Rating
Uppu Huli Khara Movie is declared Blockbuster at the box office. With mixed reviews from critics and audiences. The simple movie The story revolves around a bank robbery and the hunt to find the culprits. The story takes comical twists and turns when the investigating officer is left on an old goose chase. The IMDb rating of Uppu Huli kara is 7.0/10.
Movie Dubbing Updates
The Hindi dubbing rights of Uppu Huli kara were sold Goldmines Telefilms as Double Taddkaa. Uppu Huli Khara Movie has been dubbed in Hindi as Double taddkaa. The dubbing of the film has been completed recently. goldmines have released a Hindi dubbed trailer on youtube. Now there is another Update the movie will be premiered Soon. Firstly the movie will be in premiere on Television on Set Maxx. On the same day, the film will on Youtube at 11 pm from where you will be able to watch and download its Respected Website.
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Brochevarevarura Hindi Dubbed Movie
Movie: | Uppu Huli Khara as Double Taddkaa |
Language: | Kannada movie dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Shashi Devraj, Malashri, Sharath |
Director: | Imran Sardhariya |
Music: | Nivas K. Prasanna |
Genre: | Romantic-Drama Film |