About Calling Sahasra
Calling Sahasra, a Telugu Crime Mystery-Thriller movie, is set to captivate audiences with its skillful direction by Arunvikkirala. Produced by Vijesh Tayal and Chiranjeevi Pamidi under the banners of Radha Arts and Shadow Media Productions, this cinematic masterpiece is accompanied by captivating music composed by Mohith Rahmaniac. The lead roles in this highly anticipated film are portrayed by Spandana Palii and Sudigali Sudheer. Mark your calendars as Sahasra is scheduled to be released in theaters on December 1, 2023.
Ajay Srivatsav, also known as Sudigali Sudheer, is an employee in the software industry. He is relocating from Bangalore to Hyderabad. Upon his arrival at the office, his boss instructs him to acquire a new SIM card. Following the boss’s orders, Ajay obtains a SIM card from a mobile network provider that specializes in calling services. He inserts the SIM card into his phone, and to his surprise, he starts receiving numerous phone calls from individuals asking for someone named Sahasra.
Despite Ajay’s explanation that he is unaware of Sahasra and has recently acquired a new SIM card, the callers persistently continue to ring his phone. Frustrated by the incessant calls, Ajay eventually takes matters into his own hands and confronts one of the callers, resulting in a fatal outcome. This incident is reminiscent of the plot of the Telugu Crime Mystery-Thriller film titled “Calling Sahasra,” in which Sudigali Sudheer stars. The IMDb Page
The release date for the movie is scheduled for December 1, 2023, and it will be accessible on the Ott Platform at a later time. It is highly recommended to watch it as soon as possible to avoid missing out on this opportunity. Regrettably, I won’t be able to offer any assistance if someone fails to catch the movie. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please keep in mind that this blog is solely dedicated to providing updates and release dates for movies.
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