Adithya Varma is Tamil Romantic-Drama Film. Gireesaaya has directed the film. It was his first directorial debut. Mukesh Mehta has produced the film under his E4 Entertainment. The film was originally directed by Bala under the title Varma. E4 Entertainment decided to re-launch the film. Dhruv Vikram and Banita Sandhu in her Tamil debut in the lead roles in the film. While Priya Anand appears in a supporting role. It is a remake of the Telugu film Arjun Reddy (2017). Now Adithya Varma is set to be dubbed in Hindi by B4U Movies.
Movie Rating
Adithya Varma Movie was declared was Hit at the box office. With mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Adithya Varma is a perfect and Faithful remake of Arjun Reddy. Dhruv Vikram lives in the Aditya Varma. He performed like an experienced actor. Performance and technically it was a very strong film. The IMDb rating of Adithya Varma is 6.5/10.
Dubbing Updates
The Hindi dubbing rights of Adithya Varma were sold to B4U Movies. The Movie was released on 21 November 2019 in the Tamil Language. Soon after Tamil Release, Hindi dubbed rights of the film is bought by B4U Movies. Hindi dubbing of the film is yet to start. So we are clear enough that The movie world television premiere will be soon the dubbing completes.
As we know that B4U Movies release the film soon after the dubbing completes. Which makes chances that we will get to see the film in Hindi very soon. The dates are not specified yet. But the film will be premiered in Hindi soon. Then the movie will be uploaded on YouTube on the B4U movies YouTube channel.
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Brochevarevarura Hindi Dubbed Movie
Movie: | Adithya Varma |
Language: | Tamil movie dubbed in Hindi |
Cast: | Dhruv Vikram and Banita Sandhu |
Director: | Gireesaaya |
Music: | Nivas K. Prasanna |
Genre: | Romantic-Drama Film |